Yes, it's Football Season, and what a way to start it off for our very own
CHARGERS, but a great win against The
RAIDERS! Sorry my friend, anyways, any game at the O is always a
win, if you know what I mean!

I remember back when I was still in the Philippines, that the one and only team sport that we grew up with and came to love is Basketball. Don't get me wrong, because we've love the sport so much, with all due respect! Who would forget the Crispa-Toyota Days?

Later on the MBA was introduced trying to compete with the PBA. It was actually a great idea to bring basketball closer to the people. It became popular because of the team names like Laguna Lakers, Batangas Blades, and later on, more funnier team names came out. Unfortunately, the funny names wasn't enough to keep the league going, So in 2002 I think, it had to fold! Oh which reminds me of a dear friend who happens to be the MBA's what's up right now KMC?
When I came to the US of A, I was introduced to 2 team sports: Football and Baseball. If you know me that well, if you say sports, it got to be tough and rough, so Baseball never attracted me, the game I mean, because I like A-Rod and Derek, for obvious reasons. So when it came to Football season, I get all excited. Trust me, I don't understand how the game really works, what matters most to me is getting the ball to the other end, so I can yell: TOUCHDOWN! Later on, I find myself getting more interested in it, so I decided to buy the book-Football for Dummies, and start asking around why things are this and that. So now, I have a better way of not only appreciating the game, but understanding it too...the only sport I watch since.
So, if you need me on days that the BOLTS are playing, I wish you good luck, because most likely, you won't get hold of me...joke...joke...joke!
So, see you all at the SUPERBOWL? or should I say SUPERBOLTS!